
Please follow these 4 easy steps when sending in a warranty replacement item like a drill bit or grinding wheel.
1.  Use a Padded Envelope – It is best to use a padded envelope or small cardboard box when shipping an item.  Automated mail sorting machines can easily rip open paper envelopes and lose your item.
2.  Ship via United States Postal Service – Send the item to the following address using USPS.  Do not send the item via FedEx or UPS.
  • Millner-Haufen Tool Co., PO Box 121085, Nashville, TN  37212
3.  Provide Key Information – Include your name, address, phone number, email, and replacement drill bit sizes.  This will ensure that we get a new item to you quickly and can reach you if there is an issue (e.g., ripped packaging resulting in a lost item before we receive it). 
4.  No Payment Required – You do not need to include any payment with your warranty replacement item.

Feel free to watch the following for more information on returning a warranty item. 

Thank you!
The Millner-Haufen Team

Millner-Haufen Tool Co.